Friday, April 8, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 4.8.22


April 13th: Telling Time Math Assessment

April 15th: No School

April 19th: Civil War Assessment

April 19th-26th: Optional Simple Machines Project Due

April 21-22nd: "Harriet Tubman" Recitations

May 18th: Fine Arts Night-Music Concert & Art Show


Conversation Starters: 

Explain how a screw works and where force is applied. How does a lever help us do work?

What happens when Wilbur escapes? (He is caught and given medicine.)

On Saturdays at home, when do you have lunch:  AM or PM?

Tell me about Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee.  Why were they important to the Civil War?


Next Week's Academics:


Students will review telling time, including using the prepositions past, to, until, and after. They will take an assessment on Wednesday. Please ask your child to read the clock and tell you the time. We will then move on to learning about picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots.


Scholars will listen to excerpts from “The Story of the Greeks” during Writing With Ease and will complete class summaries and dictation. In grammar, we will learn about synonyms and antonyms. 

Students will begin memorization of the poem, “Harriet Tubman” this coming week. Recitations will begin Thursday, April 21st.


During Literature we will read chapters 4 – 5 this coming week. We will discuss and use figurative language such as the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover," and recognizing the main points of the chapters.  We will also discover a new friend Wilbur will make. (Charlotte!) If your child does not have their “Charlotte’s Web” book at school yet, please send it with them Monday.


There will be new words on Monday and Tuesday, we will review on Wednesday and take our spelling assessment on Thursday due to the holiday. They will write 4 words in cursive each day of new word dictation. Currently, we are working on correctly connecting our cursive letters.


We will continue to discuss the two generals, Lee and Grant. We will also learn about Clara Barton, an important woman figure of the Civil War.  Students will bring home their Study Guide Wednesday; please review with them so they are prepared for their assessment on Tuesday, April 19th.


Students enjoyed some fun experiments as we learned about screws and levers this week. Next week, we will learn about wheels and axles and gears. We will look at how weight, friction, and force affect how our simple machines work. Our students seem to really enjoy this unit as they are learning about simple machines and how they make our work easier. Students will have the opportunity to complete an optional at home science project, where they will find a simple machine in your household and complete a worksheet about it. Then they will present their object and worksheet in class. Look for this worksheet to come home on Monday.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Warm Regards,

The Second Grade Team

2nd Grade Newsletter 5.27.22

Congratulations on completing 2 nd Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They made...