Friday, March 25, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 3.25.22

 Second Grade Newsletter 3.25.22


Welcome to the 4th quarter of 2nd Grade!



March 26: Medieval Faire

April 1: Stanzas 1-5 of “The Land of Story-books” due

April 4: “The Land of Story-books” recitations begin

April 15: No school


Charlotte’s Web

We will begin reading Charlotte’s Web on Monday, April 4. Please send in your student’s copy of the book. We need Reading Group volunteers! Please sign up using your classroom's link.


Reading Logs

Please ensure that your student has completed every part of their Reading Log (including their name at the top!) and that a parent or adult who listened to them read has signed for each day. Students should write the name of the book, not the name of the series, if their book is from a series.


Conversation Starters:

Would you rather have a dollar or 22 nickels?

Which tall tale did you most enjoy-Johnny Appleseed, Pecos Bill, or Paul Bunyan?

What is the preposition in the following sentence: Fred hopped over the rope.

What was Harriet Beecher Stowe’s famous book about?

Does it take more or less force to push something that is heavy versus light?





We will continue reading and enjoying tall tales such as Pecos Bill and Casey Jones. Students are recognizing exaggeration and how tall tales were often set during America’s westward expansion.


We will continue our study of the Civil War. We will learn about Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and the Underground Railroad. Students will discover Lincoln's words and how his pursuit of knowledge and truth helped him lead our country during its darkest time.


Students will practice narration, copy work, and dictation using passages from The Magic of Oz . Students will continue learning about prepositions, and discover objects of the preposition.


Students will learn about the six simple machines, beginning with the inclined plane and wedge. They will learn how these simple machines make work easier.


Students will begin a short unit on fractions. Please continue to help your child practice their math facts for Rocket Math.


Warm Regards,

The Second Grade Team 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 3.11.22


    Our scholars have learned so much this quarter! We have participated in science experiments about the human body, completed our reading of Little House in the Big Woods, learned about how America became a great Nation, and expanded our knowledge of real-life applications to math - money! Please continue to allow your scholar to count and handle money at home. If possible, allow your child to pay for a small item with cash at the grocery store! Does he/she know how much change he/she will receive? 
Next Quarter will begin with Tall Tales, but your scholar will need Charlotte's Web by the third week after spring break. Thank you!
The Medieval Faire is quickly approaching. It will be held on Saturday March 26th. Be sure to sign up for a slot for our classroom's booth or donate items if you are able to. Thank you!
Volunteer & Donation Link:

March 14-18: Spring Break

Friday, March 25th: Math Assessment-Money

Saturday, Match 26th: Medieval Faire

Monday, April 4th: "The Land of Storybooks" Recitations

Conversation Starters:

What food did you make during Literature this week?

What happened in the final chapter of Little House in the Big Woods?

Who was your favorite character? Why?

What science experiment did you do this week? (Hint: Eggs and chicken bones)

Why do you need calcium to keep your body healthy?

How do you make change for $1.50 when paying with a $5 bill?

Why were the bison important to the Plains Indians?


Math: Scholars will have an assessment on Money on Friday, March 25th. They will be assessed on identifying, counting, writing in word form, adding, subtracting, and making change. Please practice with real money at home!

Literature: Next quarter, we will continue enjoying the pioneer times and westward expansion by reading some famous American Tall Tales. Students will learn that this is a genre of fictional stories written about real-life folk heroes that features the use of exaggeration and humor! We will read tall tales about John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, and Paul Bunyan this week.

Grammar: Our next poem will be our last Robert Louis Stevenson poem before moving onto historical poetry. Students will study and memorize, "The Land of Storybooks." This will be recited in full the week of April 4th. We will learn our next part of speech the preposition while also continuing to review the adverb, adjective, interjection, pronoun, verb, and noun. Writing will continue with the exercises of narration, copy work, and dictation based on passages from Hans Christian Anderson's The Real Princess

Science: Next quarter, students will learn about the six simple machines-the lever, ramp, wedge, pulley, inclined plane, and screw. Students will learn about each type and the work they do. They will be asked to find simple machines in their every day life as a project this quarter.

Spalding: Scholars now know how to write all lowercase and uppercase letters in cursive. We will continue to practice connecting letters by writing one spelling word a day in cursive this week. Please have your child practice the daily cursive word's spelling and cursive formation on their homework. They will demonstrate their command of cursive by writing three words in cursive on the first test of the quarter, gradually building to two words a day the week after, then three, etc. until the entire week's spelling list is written in cursive!

History: Moving forward in time, after Westward Expansion in the US, life in the North and South grew differently. Students will learn about the practice of slavery and the differences between the North and South that would eventually lead to a civil war.

As always, please contact your teacher with questions, concerns, or joys!

Warm Regards,

The Second Grade Team 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

2nd Grade Newsletter 3.4.22

 Hello Parents and Guardians! The students had a wonderful time at the Pioneer Living History Museum! Favorite moments included panning for gold, learning history in the Pioneer Schoolhouse, seeing chickens and goats, and of course, the Hay Maze.

Important Dates: 

  • Land of the Counterpane Recitations: Monday, March 7th 
  • Athletic Field Day: Thursday, March 10th
  • Half Day: Friday, March 11th
  • Spring Break: March 14th – 18th  
  • Medieval Faire: March 26th 

Conversation Starters:

  • Name 3 ways to make $0.25 
  • What is a threshing machine used for? 
  • Describe how pioneers panned for gold. 
  • What important nutrient helps our bones stay strong? 

Studies:Grammar: Scholars will recite the Land of the Counterpane this week. We will use selections from Little House in the Big Woods to reinforce copywork and dictation. Students will also further their understanding of parts of speech by identifying adverbs, nouns, and verbs in sentences.  

Math: We will continue our learning on money by learning how to make change for $1, $5, and $10. In addition, we will practice adding and subtracting money within $10. 

History: In history, scholars will continue to study the Westward Expansion by learning how important bison were to Native Americans as well as read a Native American story.Literature: Students will discuss food in the Little House in the Big Woods by writing the steps on how to make butter. We will take an assessment on Little House in the Big Woods before we dive into the story of Florence Nightingale.

Science: In science, we will continue to study the impact of chemicals in our body. We will demonstrate this with hard-boiled eggs (acting as bones/teeth) soaked in various liquids. Students will then continue to observe their bone experiment before learning about white blood cells and their role in our immune system.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

2nd Grade Newsletter 5.27.22

Congratulations on completing 2 nd Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They made...