Congratulations on completing 2nd Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They made new friends and read wonderful books. The best is yet come! They will discover and enjoy so much more in the years ahead. Thank you, parents, for the many ways you have encouraged your children and supported our work as their teachers. We couldn’t do it without you!
Summer language arts and math packets are attached. Working
on these during the weeks off from school will help your child retain what
they’ve learned this year. We also recommend the free website Math Playground for fun math
practice. We hope your child will discover many books they want to read this
summer. The Maricopa
County Library summer reading program is a great way to motivate young
readers. Other local libraries and book stores have kids’ summer reading
programs, as well.
We hope you enjoy a terrific summer, and we’ll look forward
to seeing you at school next year!