Saturday, March 5, 2022

2nd Grade Newsletter 3.4.22

 Hello Parents and Guardians! The students had a wonderful time at the Pioneer Living History Museum! Favorite moments included panning for gold, learning history in the Pioneer Schoolhouse, seeing chickens and goats, and of course, the Hay Maze.

Important Dates: 

  • Land of the Counterpane Recitations: Monday, March 7th 
  • Athletic Field Day: Thursday, March 10th
  • Half Day: Friday, March 11th
  • Spring Break: March 14th – 18th  
  • Medieval Faire: March 26th 

Conversation Starters:

  • Name 3 ways to make $0.25 
  • What is a threshing machine used for? 
  • Describe how pioneers panned for gold. 
  • What important nutrient helps our bones stay strong? 

Studies:Grammar: Scholars will recite the Land of the Counterpane this week. We will use selections from Little House in the Big Woods to reinforce copywork and dictation. Students will also further their understanding of parts of speech by identifying adverbs, nouns, and verbs in sentences.  

Math: We will continue our learning on money by learning how to make change for $1, $5, and $10. In addition, we will practice adding and subtracting money within $10. 

History: In history, scholars will continue to study the Westward Expansion by learning how important bison were to Native Americans as well as read a Native American story.Literature: Students will discuss food in the Little House in the Big Woods by writing the steps on how to make butter. We will take an assessment on Little House in the Big Woods before we dive into the story of Florence Nightingale.

Science: In science, we will continue to study the impact of chemicals in our body. We will demonstrate this with hard-boiled eggs (acting as bones/teeth) soaked in various liquids. Students will then continue to observe their bone experiment before learning about white blood cells and their role in our immune system.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

2nd Grade Newsletter 5.27.22

Congratulations on completing 2 nd Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They made...