Friday, February 4, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 2.4.22


Hello parents and guardians!


Great Hearts Day:

Great Hearts Day is just around the corner! On February 14th, we will be celebrating each other’s virtues. Our 2nd Grade Great Hearts Celebration will be from 12:00pm – 1:10pm. Please do not send store bought cards or candy. All store-bought cards and candy will be returned home with your child that day. It would really dampen our spirits to have to disappoint a child in this way. We have other fun and thoughtful ways to celebrate the day.

The students will write a friendly letter and deliver their Great-Hearted cards via a reenactment of the Pony Express. Students will learn to work together as we learn to Square Dance after reading about the dance at Grandpa's in the book, Little House in the Big Woods. We will also celebrate Arizona's birthday with a fun craft. We are still looking for a few more stick horses, such as this (see this link). If you have one that you would like to lend for our Pony Express reenactment, please email your homeroom teacher. Thank you!

Important Dates:

Monday, Feb. 7: The Preamble recitation due

Tuesday, Feb. 8: Math subtraction assessment and History War of 1812 assessment

Thursday, Feb. 10: Galileo testing (Make sure your student gets plenty of sleep and a full breakfast so they’ll feel their best. Please arrive at school on time -- or early!)

Friday, Feb. 11: Half Day

Monday, Feb. 21: No School; President’s Day


Dress Code Reminder:

Just a reminder that per the Family Handbooks, "Boys and girls are permitted to wear one watch. This may not be a smart watch. Bracelets, rings, and necklaces are not permitted unless for religious reasons." Thank you for your help with ensuring that special accessory items are left at home and students are in dress code. The purpose for the dress code is to help students focus on their academic pursuits; certain smart watches have become distractions for students and those around them. Thank you!


Conversation Prompts:

What did Dolley Madison save from the fire in Washington DC?

What does your epiglottis do?

What punctuation do we use after the Greeting and the Closing in a letter?

Why was a sugar snow helpful for Grandpa?

What is the difference between steal and steel?

How can we rearrange 42 + ______ = 68 to make it easier to solve?




Monday will be a review day, leading to the subtraction assessment on Tuesday. Then, we will move on to counting and multiplying by 4.


We will continue learning about sugar snow and how Grandpa made maple syrup. Then, we will focus on the main characters in the book and the dance at Grandpa’s.


Preamble recitations are due Monday, 2/7. Narration and Dictation Exercises will continue with excerpts from Little Women. Students will continue to practice letter writing with another letter activity.


Monday, students will learn about the ending of the War of 1812, as well as review for the assessment on Tuesday. Then we will begin our unit on Westward Expansion.


We will continue our study of the digestive system, identifying major organs and their functions.


Next week we will begin learning Spalding cursive handwriting. Please note that Spalding cursive may be different from any cursive your student has already been trying. It will be important for them to make a habit of Spalding cursive strokes instead. Please be aware that homework and other assignments should not be written using cursive until we instruct the students to do so. We will have a regular week of Spalding spelling words, as well.

Hoping you enjoy a wonderful weekend. Your Second Grade Team

2nd Grade Newsletter 5.27.22

Congratulations on completing 2 nd Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They made...